Of cultivation systems for the care of well-being in the agricultural, biological, industrial, food and environmental fields.


    Aimed at creating advanced production technologies to improve economic and social product performance, in multiple sectors.


    Of highly innovative technologies and systems for enhancing product performance.

Soil improvers for Agricultural Land and Sports Greens

Thanks to the researches and studies on the working process we have obtained absolutely efficient products for soils care, regeneration and restoration. The process occurs naturally when the product comes in contact with the soil which benefits from the organoleptic organisms released by the product itself. Whatever nature they may be, soils need treatments in order to be cultivated and in most cases these entail a substantial deconstruction of soils themselves. With the one shot treatment of AGROBIOSANA products, the regeneration process of soils is exponentially eased.

Patented to also ease seeds growth and germination, the environmentally friendly soil improver of AGRIBIOSANA products performs a function of integration and water reserve for the roots, ensuring a fast growth of the plants and a greater organoleptic quality, with a reduced amount of water compared to the one normally needed. Used during sowing, but also before or after, the AGRIBIOSANA product protects the seed from external pollutants and reduces the need for water supply by approximately 50%. This saving condition offers a solution to the long-standing problem of water waste in agriculture.

The relationship between man and nature has deep roots. Plants have ensured well-being to men from the very beginning and man in return has undertook to make them grow in a healthy and balanced environment. Over the years, however, soils exploitation, climate change and pollutants have impaired the natural growth of plants, trees, flowers and fruits. AGRIBIOSANA was born from the desire to research and study systems for the care and well-being of plants and technological innovations able to support plants growth in a natural way, fortifying the roots of the seeds and protecting them from pollutants. Not only that, the recent studies and patented products for agriculture that AGRIBIOSANA has put on the market allow the use of land to the most profitable extent.


Liquid Gel


0% Organoleptic qualities
0% Water saving
0% Times of germination
0% Eco-friendly

In agriculture

Hydro-seeding is an excellent technique for sowing grassland where you can’t or prefer not to intervene with conventional agricultural machinery.

Ideal for growing food products

Product conformity certification D.L.nr. 75/2010 – MIPAAF

For drip and hydroefficient plants

Powder product

Product for vases

Those who tried say about us:


0 Cereal crops.
0 Horticultural crops
0 Arboriculture
0 Nursery management